Hodsell Street, Sevenoaks, Kent

Remove site vegetation/turf and stockpile on site.

Strip topsoil and stockpile on site.

Form new road and entrance, using crushed aggregate and blinded using tarmac plainings.

Reduce level dig and excavated materials stockpiled on site.

Trim and compact bottom of excavation.

Supply and lay Geotextile Membrane.

Excavate foundation for new sleeper retaining wall, including concrete to foundation.

Supply and lay Green Pressure Treated Sleepers with concrete haunching, fixed using rebar.

Supply and lay Crushed Aggregates, trim and compacted to new levels and falls.

Supply and lay Type 1 aggregate, trim and compacted to new levels and falls.

Sand school was then topped by others.

Supply and installation of new post and rail fencing to perimeter of sand school.

All stockpiled excavated materials then spread to banks and batters around estate.

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